Working With Female Introverts In Tech Sales

Working With Female Introverts In Tech Sales To Help Them Become Visible And Get Promoted

Working With Female Introverts In Tech Sales

Working With Introverted Females In Tech To Help Them Be Seen So They Can Advance To Senior Leadership

Be Visible
Learn the art of authentic self-promotion so you get noticed for the value you bring.

Do you work longer and harder to prove your worth?
Do you take on too much to get noticed?
Do you feel under-appreciated & under-valued?
Have you been told you need to raise your profile?


Be Assertive

You need time to process your thoughts but too often you’re under pressure to respond immediately.

Do you struggle to communicate in meetings?
Have you been told you need to speak up more?
Do you procrastinate and stay quiet for fear of judgement?
Does asserting yourself feel awkward?


Be Dynamic
Back to back meetings & calls. Endless commitments are draining your energy and leaving you feeling drained.

Are you struggling to keep up with the pace?
Does exhaustion from work creep into your home life?
Are you neglecting your wellbeing?
Then how would you cope with a bigger role?

Be a Leader
You’re not perceived as leadership material. You’re seen as passive & people can’t see your passion.

Do you want to be taken seriously?
Do you want to be seen as a leader?
Do you want to change the perception of others.


About Me

I’m an introvert and what I found during my 25 year career in sales was that it can be challenging. It’s especially tricky being an introvert when you have ambitions for yourself and when the corporate culture is geared up for promoting extroverts.

I’m not great at small talk so those chats around the coffee machine and during lunch breaks, I just found them really awkward. Despite having strong opinions and great ideas I just wasn’t confident speaking up. I was constantly being told that networking is really important if I wanted to progress my career. That I should be more visible and put myself out there.

And although I worked really hard and got great results, I was constantly getting overlooked for promotion. People just didn't know that much about me.

There were times when I really felt I didn't fit in with the corporate culture and this made me doubt myself. I had doubts about my career, my abilities and my value.

When I began to think differently about my skill set and look at my perceived weaknesses as gifts, my career took off.  I figured out how my introvert traits were actually a superpower in sales and I used those superpowers to elevate my career.

If you're an introvert in tech sales but self-doubt is holding you back let's chat. Book a free call with me and we'll talk about how I can help you grow your confidence, leverage your natural talents and progress your career.

About Me

I’m an introvert and what I found during my 25 year career in sales was that it can be challenging. It’s especially tricky being an introvert when you have ambitions for yourself and when the corporate culture is geared up for promoting extroverts.

I’m not great at small talk so those chats around the coffee machine and during lunch breaks, I just found them really awkward. Despite having strong opinions and great ideas I just wasn’t confident speaking up. I was constantly being told that networking is really important if I wanted to progress my career. That I should be more visible and put myself out there.

And although I worked really hard and got great results, I was constantly getting overlooked for promotion. People just didn't know that much about me.

There were times when I really felt I didn't fit in with the corporate culture and this made me doubt myself. I had doubts about my career, my abilities and my value.

When I began to think differently about my skill set and look at my perceived weaknesses as gifts, my career took off.  I figured out how my introvert traits were actually a superpower in sales and I used those superpowers to elevate my career.

If you're an introvert in tech sales but self-doubt is holding you back let's chat. Book a free call with me and we'll talk about how I can help you grow your confidence, leverage your natural talents and progress your career.

Be Authentic

Leadership requires authenticity. You need to be really clear about who you are and what you stand for. No more flip flopping around trying on different personalities.

Personal Branding

Your stories, your bio, your elevator pitch and your accomplishments are an important part of your personal brand. But articulating that can be tricky. For you it feels icky, toe-curling and just wrong.

Speak Up & Move Up

You’re not perceived as a leader because you’re seen as passive. The way you show up in meetings creates an inaccurate perception of the real you..

My Clients

My Clients

Some of My Latest Blog Posts

I’m Not A Weirdo

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How To Increase Your Visibility At Work

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What’s The Ideal Career For An Introvert?

I’ve seen this question posed on social media so many times recently and each time I see it I get strongly stirred up. The short answer is there isn’t one. What I mean by that is, whatever the extent of your introvert traits, embrace them and follow your dreams. Look,...

Working With Female Introverts In Tech Sales

Working With Female Introverts In Tech Sales To Help Them Become Visible And Get Promoted

Working With Female Introverts In Tech Sales

Working With Female Introverts In Tech Sales To Help Them Become Visible And Get Promoted